Tag: antioxidants

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Banana Maple Pudding

chia 2If you aren’t familiar with chia seeds other than the infamous pets, you probably clicked on this post out of sheer curiosity.  I personally was a skeptic at first.  I immediately added them to my mental list of foods that are a hippy gimmick.  I even tried to convince myself that I wasn’t a hippy at heart.  Then I went over my life passions in my head.  Oh yeah, I am part hippy.  I figured I at least owed it to my fellow hippys to try the seeds.  If I didn’t like them, I could move on to something else weird.

Ok, seriously people, they don’t taste like anything.  If you like tapioca, you will like them.  If you don’t like tapioca, grind them up and drink them in a shake, use them like a flour, so on.  There are tons of uses for the nutrient packed seeds.  Here is a short list of benefits these poppy seed like beauties contain:

  • Full of omega-3’s (improves mental performance)
  • High in fiber
  • High in protein
  • High in calcium
  • High in antioxidants
  • Helps with weight loss (gives you a full feeling)
  • Redeuces inflamtion (great for those with arthiritis)
  • Absorbs extra acid (great for reflux sufferers)
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease

With all of these benefits and no taste, I will be adding these to whatever I can.  The reccomended amount for an adult is 2 tablespoons a day.  An easy amount to add to a morning smoothie, shake, eggs, yogurt, cereal, toast, or even sorbet for dessert.  Honestly, I would reccomennd starting off with the recipe below as an introduction.  It’s an easy recipe to make, and tastes amazing!  The chia seeds act as the thickener.  They absorb the liquid and grow 8 times in size.  The gelatenous coating creates the pudding like texture.  The hardest part in making this is waiting for it to thicken.  It will start thickening immediately, but I noticed the greatest consistency 12 hours in.

You can buy these little beauties at your local health food store or by clicking here.


2 ripe bananas, mashed

2 cups almond mlik

2 tablespoons real maple extract (vanilla works too)

7 tablespoons chia seeds

Mix the ingredients together in a medium sized bowl.  Cover and chill 6 hours.  Serve by itself or with fresh berries.

Servings: 8 • Size: 1/2 cup

Calories: 110 • Fat: 6g • Carb: 13g • Fiber: 7g • Protein: 4g •
Sugar:  4g
Sodium: 53mg • Cholesterol: 0mg

Beet Chips with Sea Salt

beet chipsIt’s most likely apparent that I love food.  Food prep is a stress relief to me and a enjoy to eat.  There are very few things that I do not like, boxed potato au gratin, nacho cheese Doritos and beets have always been on my list.  Always.  Until recently I had not even been near a beet purposely since I was little.

In December my husband and I went on a much needed cruise together.  We did not follow the crowds and join in on excursions.  The only ‘group’ activity we participated in was the Chef’s Table.  We signed up 3 months ahead to assure one of the only 12 spots.  I was so ecstatic when I received an email from the maitre d’ confirming our seat.

When the night finally came we started off eating 3 meticulously made appetizers in the galley, then we headed to the library for the remainder of our 8 course meal.  Every course that came out was better than the last.  Then it happened.  Our luscious fish course came with a beet on the plate.  I looked at my husband and then froze.  If I didn’t eat it I risked insulting the chef and his amazing meal.  Everything up to this point had been dreamlike, perfection.  So I put my big girl panties on and I ate it.  Even the red devil that I have always had an aversion to  was over the top.

Recently I came across a beet chip recipe.  My thoughts raced back to that delectable beet.  That is when the decision came to give them a real shot.  Even as I was peeling them, I was sure I wasn’t going to like them.  I am not a classically trained Chef and have no idea how the chef on the boat prepared them.  But, I had to try them again.  They are packed with vital nutrients that fight cancer, and heart disease.  They are chocked full of good carbs, and fiber.

I will officially say that they are off the “Does Not Eat” list and on the they are not so bad list.  They aren’t something I will crave.  But, I will eat them over a fatty potato chip any day.

The moral of the story?  Try it, you may like it, even just a little.



2 large beets, top cut off and peeled (the tops can be eaten as well)

Olive oil in Misto

Pre heat your oven to 350 degrees.  I used my food processor to make the beets into chips.  If you have a mandolin I would use that instead.  (A mandolin is currently on my, I want that list).  Place the beet slices onto a cookie sheet that has been lightly sprayed with olive oil.  Spray the top side of the slices with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt.  Bake for 10 -15 minutes until the edges start to curl slightly.  Be careful not to burn them, like I did the first time.  They go from done to burned quickly.  They will dry a bit after they cool.

Fit Tip of the Day 4.15.2013

o-organics-petite-broccoli-156358I recently was teaching a young girl to cook a healthy meal, and used a bag of organic broccoli in a quinoa dish.  She asked me why I used frozen over fresh.  This is how I explained my decision.  Studies have shown that fruits and veggies can lose up to 45% of the nutritional value in transport.  Unless you live in California, frozen may be your only option to obtain ‘fresh’ organic vegetables.  The farmers use a method called flash freezing to hold the nutrients in place. No matter what time of the year it is you can eat healthy fruits and vegetables due to this native Canadian preservation method.

Don’t be afraid to buy frozen veggies for your next stir fry, or quinoa dish.  But, remember not to keep them frozen too long.  Write the date you buy them on the bag, and use them up to 3 months after purchase to maintain the nutrients.

9 Reasons to Drink Green Tea Everyday

  1. It’s an excellent source of antioxidants
  2. It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer
  3. It prolongs your life
  4. It lowers stress and boosts brain power
  5. It reduces high blood pressure
  6. It helps to protect your liver from alcohol
  7. It prevents tooth decay and cures bad breath
  8. It helps to preserve and build bones
  9. It boosts your immunity against illness

Source:  http://every-single-moment-counts.tumblr.com/post/3247896137