524563_519856101384967_87626103_nExcuses, complaining, and whining are my biggest pet peeves.  Honestly, I would rather hear someone say “It’s just not that important to me”, then give me a list of excuses why they don’t/didn’t do something.  It’s annoying.  If you want something bad enough, you will do anything to make it happen.

Think back to a time when you really, really wanted something.  Maybe a good grade on a test, purchasing your dream car, or going on an exotic vacation.  I am sure you made a plan on how to get to your end result.  If you wanted to get a good grade you studied and practiced the skill till you got it right.  You worked extra hours at work and even gave things up for that fancy car or vacation.  I’m sure you didn’t give up till you got what you wanted.

In the end, the three things I listed would have made you temporarily happy.  Imagine working hard for a goal that would make your life better.  Even better, the happiness achieved will last your entire life.  When you decide to live a healthy lifestyle and make permanent changes, health and happiness are your reward.  The more you put into it, the more you get back.

When I made the decision to get in the best shape of my life, I had to change my attitude.  Excuses were thrown out the window.  Complaints were non-existent.  Drive, determination, and inspiration pushed me when it seemed impossible.

Here are some excuses that might sound familiar:

  • I’m too tired
  • Healthy foods are more expensive
  • I don’t have the time to make healthy foods
  • I don’t have time to work out
  • I don’t like fruits and vegetables
  • My kid(s) is picky

Now, let me give you a solution to each of these:

  • You are most likely too tired because of what you are fueling your body with.  Cut the processed foods, and fast food and put something real in your body.  Exercising will actually give you more energy.
  • Healthy foods can cost more than a fast food meal if you don’t plan.  If you go into the store with a plan and use some of the same ingredients twice, you won’t spend as much as you normally do.  Junk adds up too.  Watch your store ads, and use coupons when you can.  Call your city and ask if they have a program that helps families purchase healthy foods.  I know in my city they do regardless of income, there have to be others that do as well.
  • If you don’t have time during the week to make food from scratch, do it on Saturday or Sunday.  Yes, it does take some time, but in the long run, the results will be worth the small sacrifice.  There are also healthier fast food options for those times that you don’t have a choice.  Ask for no spread or cheese.  Pick the grilled option instead of crispy/crunchy.  Opt for a side salad or apples instead of fries.  Get an iced tea or water instead of soda.  There should be no excuse not to eat healthy regardless of time.
  • Everyone has time to work out, you just have to be motivated and creative.  If you watch t.v. every night, you have time.  Exercise at every commercial break.  Go to the gym on your lunch break and eat at your desk.  Wake up early.  Today I really didn’t think I would have time to workout.  So instead of driving to my son’s school to work on a project, I ran.  Both ways combined ended up being 2 miles.  Decent workout for not having time.
  • If you don’t like fruits or vegetables, it’s time to try them again.  There were a lot of things I didn’t like as a child.  When I tried them as an adult I was amazed how quickly my opinion changed.  I despised fish growing up.  Not only do I love fish now, but I even eat it raw.  Something I never thought would happen.  Sometimes it will take a few times of trying something to really like it.  Don’t give up and keep an open mind.
  • Both of my kids have their likes and dislikes, but at every meal we ask them to take a “no thank you bite”.  We use the premise “How do you know you don’t like it if you don’t know what it tastes like?”.  Even if it’s on their ‘do not eat’ list we still ask them to try it again.  It’s their choice how big or small the bite is.  Due to this tactic our kids have expanded their food lists ten fold.  Our once very picky eater (due to horrific GERD as a baby) is now a bona fide foodie.  He even loves sushi, salmon, brussel sprouts and mushrooms.  Our 4 year old has a longer road to get his foodie badge, but as long as he is willing to try  new foods he can take as long as he wants.

The point is that any excuse you come up with can be resolved.  You just have to want them to be.  Stop thinking you can’t do it and tell yourself you can.  Find inspiration that will motivate you to the next level. My personal motivater when I want to quit a hard workout is a contestant from the Biggest Loser.  At 500 lbs this man was running 5 miles, and looked amazing by the finale.  I am obviously much smaller than him.  He didn’t use his size as an excuse, so any excuse I have about something being hard is destroyed when I think about his determination.

Now that your excuses are gone what is stopping you from reaching your health/fitness goal?

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown

4 Comments on Excuses Won’t Change Anything

  1. You know, I was literally ticked when I found out I got gestational diabetes with the girls. When I got it again with Camryn, I couldn’t wait until I could eat what I wanted when I wanted after I had her. Thankfully it was controlled by diet only and that diet actually gave me a good plan to use as far as food goes. After I had Camryn, the baby weight and then some melted off because I decided I wanted to be healthier and I enjoyed being thin again! So we as a family try to stick to that diabetic plan.

    I can’t tell you how many people have commended me on keeping the weight off and looking/feeling good. They’ve asked me for a copy of the diet plan, which I have given them (some people several times), but they still don’t apply it. I think it’s definitely because first, you’ve gotta change your mind, your thought process, your attitude, before you can even begin to try and change your body. Thanks, Bekah! :-)

  2. Gestational diabetes was a blessing and a curse for me too. A curse because I was on bedrest at the same time and also, I couldn’t indulge like every other pregnant woman. A blessing because it taught me how I should be eating. I still use those lessons I was taught then, now.
    Yes, you are correct, it doesn’t matter how much information you give someone. Until, they decide they really want it to happen, it’s not going to. There is no magic wand. Hard work and dedication is the only way.
    Thank you for your comment!

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