untitledRead this article and then come back for my commentary:


When I first started my weight loss journey I tried a multitude of things.  I first started off with the elliptical in my home, then fought to get a bike in spin class, then began my love of running.  I did lose weight doing each of those, but I was stuck in an unbreakable plateau.  I was eating somewhat healthy, so I decided to ramp that up and eat really healthy.  I lost a little more, but still, I was stuck.

Then I discovered the secret to my success, www.bodyrock.tv.  Bodyrock is high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise instruction with videos.  Best of all, it’s FREE.   It is a great resource for those that want to get in the best shape of their lives.

The definition of HIIT is any workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less-intense activity or even complete rest. Each exercise is 50 seconds long, and there is a 10 second break in between.  The amount of exercises in for each day differs, but the formula is always the same.  50 second exercise, 10 second break, move onto the next exercise.  Once you have gone through all the specified exercises you do the series 2 more times.

According to Shape magazine, “Not only do you burn more calories during HIIT workouts, but the effect of all that intense exertion kicks your body’s repair cycle into hyperdrive. That means you burn more fat and calories in the 24 hours after a HIIT workout than you do after, say, a steady-pace run”.

More added benefits to HIIT are, a healthier heart, loss of fat, not muscle, quick effective workout, and increased metabolism.

My weight essentially melted off when I started doing HIIT.  I still ran here and there, but the majority of my workouts were HIIT.  Yes, they are hardcore workouts, and the videos may scare you at first.  Trust me when I tell you, if I can do it, so can you.  Don’t try to match the instructors intensity at first.  Do what you can and your body will become stronger over time.  Eventually you will match the instructors vigor!

When I married the exercise with an even healthier eating regime I blasted through the plateau and haven’t looked back.  If constant cardio has been part of your regime and isn’t getting you to your goal, try HIIT.  What do you have to lose?  Besides fat of course.

What are your thoughts on this topic?  Did running work for you or did you plateau?  If not, what did work for you?  Post your comments below.